Community Participation Supports
About Community Participation Supports

The Adult Training Facility is located in Hermitage. Community Participation is a service provided through this facility that we strongly advise and believe in. We promote choices that will result in the people we serve being able to leave the facility and be part of their community just like everyone else. This is more than going out on a trip or visit! We support people to become involved in meeting people, volunteering, working, participating in available activities in the community, and venturing out to neighboring communities to enjoy places of interest that are fun and educational.
When people decide to not go out into the community, they may exercise, participate in cooking, arts and crafts, enjoy personalized sensory areas, and other activities of their choice throughout the day. Diversified Family Services will continue to help the people we serve to explore their interests, so that they can make informed choices, but also feel safe and comfortable spending more time in the community.
These services are provided in ratios conductive to each person’s needs: 1:6, 1:2 or 3, 2:3, 1:1. A 1:6 ratio is only delivered in the facility.
CHAPS (Community Habilitation And Pre-vocational Services) is a structured day program where adults learn community and pre-vocational skills. Many individuals attend this program to better prepare for our community employment service. The CHAPS curriculum includes modules teaching math/money skills, proper hygiene, social skills, safety and effective communication. Participants can attend full or part time.

Learning, Growing, and Having Fun

All individuals work on daily goals such as increasing money skills or learning an address or telephone number. Craft as well as cooking and baking activities are regularly planned, and we always have special parties for the holidays. Work training opportunities are also provided. Clients participate in paid work, individuals have the chance to earn a bi-weekly paycheck based on the type and amount of work performed. Services are intended to result in active, valued participation in a broad range of integrated activities that build on the client’s interests, preferences, gifts, and strengths while reflecting his or her desired outcomes related to employment, community involvement and membership. Activities take place in integrated community settings that involve persons without disabilities who are not paid or unpaid caregivers. Ideally and as appropriate, fading strategies will be used to create an atmosphere where individuals can depend less and less on paid support for ongoing participation in community activities as well as development of relationships.