About dFs | Our Team = Your Family
dFs History
dFs was started by two other women and Founder Emerita, Marilyn Klemens in 1985 with a budget of $7,000. Diversified Family Services has grown to serve approximately 200 individuals each year through the efforts of over 210 employees funded by an operating budget over 10 million dollars. In addition to our home county of Mercer, we provide services to individuals in Crawford, Venango, Lycoming, Lawrence and Beaver countries.
We have many dedicated long-term employees as part of our direct care and management staffs.These employees have made the commitment to providing quality care just as they would want for their own family members.
Our facilities are inspected and licensed annually by the Office of Developmental Programs. We also have an active Safety Committee which monitors our homes and services on an ongoing basis.

Our mission, as a private, non-profit corporation, is to provide professional human services which support and strengthen families. dFs specializes in providing services to adults with intellectual disabilities and their families, but is not limited exclusively to this group.
dFs values the contributions the individuals we serve make to our agency and our lives. As such we provide services designed to enhance in accessing and enjoying those facets of everyday living that we all enjoy.
dFs envisions a complete service delivery system which is absent of service gaps, where every individual who needs services is able to receive appropriate and purposeful services without delay, resulting in strong families and a strong community.
Meet Our Team
Lorraine Livosky
Executive Director – Administration
Phone: 724-346-2123 etx. 5528
Email: llivosky (at) diversifiedfamily.org
Lorraine has over 20 plus years of extensive experience in human services. Lorraine began her career at dFs in 2002 as a Children Service’s Director/Counselor; she worked her way up to Assistant Program Director in 2008, Program Director shortly thereafter and Executive Director in 2017.
As dFs’ top executive, Lorraine oversees all aspects of client programs and services, along with strengthening relationships with referral sources, government agencies and community partners.

Lorraine has always considered the clients and staff her extended family. She is determined to assure the health and safety of all. Lorraine understands that it takes a village to ensure everyone in dFs’ care has access to everything the client and their family needs, and to help develop their full potential to contribute positively to their community.

Stacey Cannon
Program Director:
Service Referrals New / Ongoing
Phone: 724-346-2123 x 5529
Email: scannon (at) diversifiedfamily.org

Amanda Elavsky
Assistant Program Director
Phone: 724-346-2123

Angel Norris
Assistant Program Director
Phone: 724-346-2123

Matt Smeltzer
Assistant Program Director
Phone: 724-346-2123